Find an Accompanist
This page lists pianists who are available to accompany students in the festival. Accompanists are usually compensated by the student for their time to practice and perform with the student. Compensation arrangements are between the student and accompanist.
If you are an accompanist and would like to list your availability here, please sign in to your account and edit your accompanist information.
Name |
City |
Phone |
Email |
Website |
Alder, Vera #145 | | 303-523-1346 | vera@alderwoodpiano.com | |
Barrus, Lillian #146 | | 8018828281 | lillianbarrus@gmail.com | |
Benner, Rachel #132 | Cedar Hills | 8013692402 | rachelbenner@gmail.com | |
Bishop, Christina #235 | | 7026729712 | | |
Blair, Amber #138 | | 801-888-6319 | blair.amber@gmail.com | |
Carter, Diane #244 | | 8013583924 | dianejcarter1@gmail.com | |
Cowdell, Cristopher #225 | | 8012010320 | cowdella@icloud.com | |
Dinsmoor, Anna #231 | Lehi | 719-322-4816 | adinsmoor@gmail.com | |
Dodson, Marilyn #255 | Spanish Fork | 801-800-3364 | marilynbdodson@gmail.com | |
Durfee, Lethi #237 | | 4357490905 | | |
Eccles, Annalise #126 | Highland | 801-358-1707 | annalise@ecclespiano.com | ecclespiano.com |
Galloway, Jayne #5 | | 801-420-8824 | jcgalloway88@gmail.com | |
Glenn, Kierstin #246 | | 18014509906 | kpglenn@gmail.com | |
Gough, Levi #148 | | 000-000-0000 | unknown@unknown.com | |
Graham, Dawn #25 | Spanish Fork | 801-798-3096 | dawn.graham@gmail.com | |
Hanson, Coral #149 | | 8018368627 | coral.hanson@gmail.com | |
Hendricks, Sharlee #257 | | 18013685062 | | |
Heward, Maria #248 | | 801-368-5366 | mariasmusicstudio@gmail.com | |
Heward, Maria #249 | | 801-368-5366 | mariasmusicstudio@gmail.com | |
Hughes, Jill #139 | Cedar Hills | 435-760-9503 | johnjillhuz@gmail.com | www.youtube.com/user/johnjillhuz/featured |
HYDE, JANALYN #229 | Highland | 8014277783 | janalynhyde2@gmail.com | |
Jean Baptiste, Lindsay #240 | Lehi | 9703018488 | lindsayjbaptiste18@gmail.com | |
Jones, Kalidawn #92 | Bluffdale | 801-635-9525 | kalidawn.jones@gmail.com | |
Jung, Nayoung #254 | | 15109269071 | profjung82@gmail.com | |
Kennedy, Gabriel #259 | | 385-476-6524 | gabrieldaviskennedy@gmail.com | |
Kennington, Anna #258 | | 8013102604 | anna.kennington@gmail.com | |
Klinefelter, Anna #264 | Provo | 5207326572 | anna.klinefelter3@gmail.com | |
Kohler, Paul #221 | | 520-551-6218 | alkanpj@gmail.com | |
Kwak, Songhee #127 | Orem | 8019006347 | songheemin5@gmail.com | |
Mano, Sarah #256 | | 801-885-9329 | sarahsinouye@gmail.com | |
Manwaring, Connie #144 | Spanish Fork | 8017873625 | manwaringstudio@gmail.com | |
McCoy , Kimberlee #251 | | 208-540-0991 | kimberleea16@gmail.com | |
McCoy , Kimberlee #252 | | 208-540-0991 | kimberleea16@gmail.com | |
McCoy , Kimberlee #253 | | 208-540-0991 | kimberleea16@gmail.com | |
Melecio, Melodi #130 | Lindon | 801-471-7802 | meloditurley@gmail.com | youtu.be/t-ywy5y-c4g |
Navratil, Beata #261 | Draper | (646) 637-1517 | beatanavratil@gmail.com | |
Oshida, Joanna #224 | | 4086342119 | joannaoshida@gmail.com | |
Owens, Genevieve #227 | | 2082273072 | | |
Pope, Annika #223 | | 8013613785 | annika32124@gmail.com | annika32124.wixsite.com/absoluteaccompanying |
Robbins, Maylee #262 | | 6156054066 | mayleerobbinsmusic@gmail.com | |
Rodeback, Heidi #125 | American fork | 801-404-2494 | heidi.rodeback@gmail.com | |
Sorbera, Valentina #242 | | 7573585176 | valentina.sorbera@gmail.com | |
Sorbera, Valentina #241 | | 7573585176 | valentina.sorbera@gmail.com | |
Speth, Lydia #164 | | 8017929153 | lydiaspeth@gmail.com | www.pianoaccompanists.com/profile-lydia-speth |
Stock, Jennifer #234 | | 3852016100 | jstock79@gmail.com | |
Watson, Alexis #230 | Cedar Hills | 8016714180 | watsonmusicstudios@gmail.com | |